We are a reformed baptist church. The following is a short summary of what our church believes:
- There is one true and living God.
- God has spoken through His Word, the Bible.
- The whole of the Bible is completely reliable. It is the only authority for all that we believe and teach.
- God is still speaking to people today, by the power of His Holy Spirit, as they read the Bible and hear the gospel preached.
- The gospel is good news for sinful people in a world which has been ruined by sin.
- Salvation is through Jesus Christ alone. He is the eternal Son of God, yet He was willing to come into the world as a real Man, to save sinners. He did this by living a perfect life and then suffering death on the Cross. He then rose from the dead and ascended into heaven.
- All who are blessed by God with repentance for their sins and faith in Jesus Christ have eternal life.
- The Lord Jesus will come again with power and great glory to judge the world.